
Meessen De Clercq
Brussels (BE)

“The Mountains are like the bones of the earth. Water is its blood”
Solo show

Statement of the artist

The geography of Vietnam is meandering. From the outset, some would say that its unusual configuration raises the question of the oneness of the country. Vietnam extends for 1600 km, from the Chinese border in Upper Tonkin to the tip of Cape Camau in the far south. This elongation of the territory, this symmetry running from the northern mountains to the waters of the south, passing from one delta to another, and which is separated from fine soils in its centre could introduce a certain bipolarity into people's view of my country. But in reality, this is a simplistic vision, as the two extremities have been linked since the dawn of time by the flow of the currents and natural energies. The country's skeleton is the undulating and luxuriant land that we know from North to South, nourished by the waters that come down from the high plateaux to flow abundantly into the Southern Delta, its lifeblood. Filling the country's entire geography with life, sound and magic.
The nature of Vietnam is what has returned it to what it is. It is nature that, with equilibrium and strength, enabled some to cope, and forced others to retreat. Vietnam's bipolarity comes from its occupation. From the dual ways of thinking that intervened on its soil with the Western presences. Whereas the uniqueness of its geology, the equilibrium of its resources and the beauty of its nature form an integral whole.
The French occupation of Vietnam took various forms, sometimes barbaric, sometimes ridiculous. Dedicated to the city of Paris, a 'monument to the glory of French colonial expansion' completed in 1920 stood in front of the Palais des Colonies following the colonial exhibition in 1931. It was moved to the Tropical Garden of Paris (in Nogent-sur-Marne) much later, amid the ruins of the pavilions of other colonised countries. Today, this fragmented monument is still on display, although hidden from view, since it is now a ruin acting as a reminder of the decline of the colonial empire: the glorious cockerel is missing a foot, fungus is eating away at the face of the Republic and the grey of the stone is overgrown with moss.
I felt it was important to take a plaster cast of the feet of the Republic and photograph the dimension of the ruin in black and white. A film sublimates the sculpture, whose capacity to reveal history is weighty but powerful: substance as evidence. It also shows a contemporary aspect of this garden, as its users take back ownership on a daily basis, with some of them reacting to the site's past.
In fact, there is nothing tropical about this tropical garden: the bamboos there are stringy and not very green, and there are no glasshouses. On the other hand, local Kung Fu clubs come here to train, and veggie Oriental Yoga courses are proving a great success in this setting, and crews come here to film RAP or R'n'B videos. The only thing that is tropical about this garden is the feeling of a voluntary, contrived exoticism.
Why, when a Vietnamese firm, involved in the construction of a new urban landscape in Saigon, the former capital of Vietnam, was decorating its site, did it decide to adorn the outside walls with tarpaulins printed with scenes depicting the West? Why, right in the middle of Saigon, should we be seeing Miami Beach, Swiss mountains or French formal gardens? Why should these oversized photographs (sometimes up to ten metres long) reign supreme in the city? I recovered several of these tarpaulins to exhibit them as evidence of a political reality (decline of communist thinking and a reminder of the past occupation) as well as a physical reality (fading due to sunlight, worn fabric). These tarpaulins, after just a few years of exposure to daylight, were turning blue. These pallid landscapes that we were supposed to find appealing are outdated, obsolete, as if belonging to old dreams or hopes. A blend of nostalgia and envy. The Western ideal turned out to be just a distant memory, an illusion, something that fades away, like these eroded, worn out landscapes, increasingly inaccessible.
Renamed Ho Chi Minh City, my city will always remain Saigon, the colonial city.

Notes de l'artiste

La géographie du Vietnam est sinueuse. D'emblée certains diraient que sa configuration particulière pose la question de l'unicité du pays. La Vietnam s'étend sur 1600 km, de la frontière chinoise dans le Haut-Tonkin à la pointe de Camau dans l'extrême-Sud. Cet allongement du territoire, cette symétrie qui va des montagnes nords aux eaux du sud, qui communique d'un delta à un autre, séparée d'une fine terre en son centre ne pouvait qu'introduire une bipolarité dans le regard que nous allions porter sur le Vietnam.
Mais en réalité, cette vision est réductrice, les deux poles se relient depuis la nuit des temps grâce aux courants d'eaux et aux énergies naturelles. Le squelette du pays serait cette terre vallonnée et luxuriante que nous connaissons du Nord au Sud, qui s'alimente de cette eau qui descend des hauts plateaux pour se jeter avec abondance dans le Delta sud, son sang. Animant de vie, de son et de maggie toute la géographie du pays.
La nature du Vietnam est ce qui l'a rendu à lui-même. C'est elle qui, avec équilibre et résistance, permit aux uns de faire face, imposa aux autres de reculer.

La bipolarité du Vietnam vient de son occupation. De la pensée duelle qui s'est immiscée sur ses terres avec cette occupation. Alors que l'unicité de sa géologie, l'équilibre de ses ressources et la beauté de sa nature faisaient corps. Cette pensée divisa, jusqu'à aujourd'hui encore instaurer cette vision d'un monde post-guerre froide.

Pourquoi lorsqu'une firme nationale, impliquée dans la construction d'un nouveau paysage urbain à Saigon, ancienne capitale du Vietnam, en aménagement son chantier décide-t-elle d'y parer ses murs extérieurs de bâches sur lesquelles sont imprimés des paysages de l'occident ? Pourquoi en plein Saigon voit-on défiler les plages et palmiers de Miami Beach, les montagnes suisse ou encore les jardins "à la française" ? Pourquoi ces photographies, de taille démesurée (quatre par trois mètres pour les plus petites, parfois jusqu'à dix mètres de longueur pour les plus grandes) doivent-elles ainsi s'imposer dans la ville ? Se montrant tels des paysages convoités, à l'image d'un idéal occidental cliché devenu ici en plein Saigon le garant d'une appartenance, d'une filiation, blanche ? Un mélange de nostalgie et de convoitise ressort de cet naïve décoration de chantier. Aujourd'hui appelée Ho Chi Minh city, ma ville décidément restera Saigon, la ville coloniale.
Pourtant, ces bâches, après seulement quelques années d'exposition à la lumière du jour, bleuissent. Livides, ces paysages qui voulaient s'offrir à nous sont dépassés, vieillis, comme appartenant à d'anciens rêves ou d'anciens espoirs. L'idéal occidental se révèle alors n'être qu'un lointain souvenir, un leurre, quelque chose qui s'efface, comme ces paysages érodés, usés, de plus en plus inaccessibles.
Ce que révèlent également ces bâches est la mauvaise qualité des tirages, l'économie plutôt modeste d'une entreprise du bâtiment nationale. Quelques contradictions, réunies ici, du Vietnam communiste aujourd'hui. J'ai récupéré un grand nombre de ces bâches pour les exposer comme des révélateurs de cette réalité politique (déclin d'un communisme de pensée, et rappel de l'occupation passée) mais aussi d'une réalité matérielle (insolation, usure sur la matière).

L'occupation française au Vietnam aura pris des formes de célébration bien diverse et grandiloquente, tantôt barbare, tantôt ridicule. Dédié à la ville de Paris, un "monument à la gloire de l'expansion coloniale française" achevé en 1920 trônera devant le Palais des colonies à la suite de l'exposition coloniale de 1931. Il sera déplacé dans le Jardin Tropical de Paris (Nogent-sur-Marne) beaucoup plus tard au milieu des vestiges des pavillons folklores où natifs des pays occupés devaient s'exhiber. Toujours aujourd'hui dans ce jardin tropical, le même monument fragmenté s'exhibe, tout en se cachant du regard, puisqu'il est maintenant une ruine rapellant le déclin de cet empire colonial : la patte du glorieux coq est manquante, des champignons rupestres dévorent les visages de la république, le gris de la pierre se colorent de mousses ...etc
Ici ce qu'il m'importe de mouler sont les pieds de la république, mais aussi des fragments des corps des indigènes. De restituer le monument fragmenté, avec lyrisme et blancheur alors que les photographies grises rendront compte de la dimension du vestige, un regard subjectif se porte et glisse à la surface de la pierre. La queue du cop n'a plus de panache, il lui manque une pate, les champignons rupestres ont gagné la visage de la république, et le vert de la mousse contamine petit à petit le gris de la pierre.
Un film sublimera la sculpture dont la capacité à révéler l'histoire est lourde mais forte : la matière comme preuve. Il montrera aussi un aspect contemporain de ce jardin, une ré-appropriation au quotidien par les usagers, certains réagissant au passé du site.

Ce jardin tropical n'a effectivement rien de tropical, ses bambous y sont si fins et si peu verts, et aucune serre n'y existe. En revanche, les clubs de kung-fu de la région viennent s'y entrainer, les cours de yoga veggie oriental ont grand succès dans ce décor, et on y tourne des clips de RAP RNB. Il n'y a de tropical dans ce jardin que le sentiment d'un exotisme volontaire et forcé.

Encapsuler la nature tropicale, pourrait être une modeste tentative de la célébrer. Comment la main de l'homme, tant bien que mal, organise et ordonne cette nature libre à défaut de la contrôler ? Le plus souvent un compromis entre le chaos de la jungle et l'organisation par la raison se fait sentir. C'est ce que nous découvrons en visitant les serres tropicales humides en France, un sentiment ordonné face à une nature libérée.
Les aquariums de nature tropicale que j'envisage sont des tentatives burlesques et inappropriés d'emprisonner et de cultiver un morceau de jungle tropicale. Une végétation dense composées de ficus, feuilles de palmiers et bananiers, lotus... évoluera dans un environnement humide, chaud et fermé, contraint dans un espace petit et vitré, ne pouvant déborder. Pour finir cette nature apparaîtra sous la forme de mixture et de résidus.

Thu Van Tran, été 2017.

Livid print on plastic cover
270 x 410 cm
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Livid print on plastic cover
270 x 410 cm
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Livid print on plastic cover
Back ground 270 x 410 cm
First ground 335 x 565 cm
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Livid print on plastic cover
335 x 565 cm
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Livid print on plastic cover
335 x 270 cm
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Livid print on plastic cover
Back ground 335 x 270 cm
First ground 335 x 565 cm
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

Saigon (Details)
Livid print on plastic cover
/w Éric Baudart - 2017

View of the exhibition

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)
Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

View of the exhibition

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)
Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

View of the exhibition

Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

View of the exhibition

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)
Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)

Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

Exotic garden
Water from the Amazon, the Marne and the Atlantic Ocean, plastic bottles, tropical plants
Variable dimensions (32,5 x 33 x 12 cm)

Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

Republic feet
A series of 20 photographs on Baryté paper
Each photograph famed: 61,7 x 41,7 cm

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche (details)
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche (Details)
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

Peau blanche
A series of casts made from direct molds on the monument to the glory of the French colonial expansion
Plaster, wood
Variable dimensions

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles

The Yellow speaks
(Or a short narrative on the surface of the glory of the French colonial expansion)
Negative Kodak 50 D and positive Wittner black and white transferts in digital, subtitles