
@ Centre d'Art Contemporay d'Ivry — Le Credac. © Marie-Pierre Dieterle
Thu-Van Tran
Born in 1979, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)
Lives and works in Paris (France)
Solo shows
— MAMAC - Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de la Ville de Nice (FR), (cur. Hélène Guenin)
— Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet - Paris (FR) “Faits du même bois”, (L'Asie maintenant, cur. Kathy Alliou)
— Almine Rech Gallery, Paris (FR)
— Meessen De Clercq, Brussels (BE)
— Rüdiger Schöttle Gallery, Munich (DE)
— Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel (CH), (cur. Ines Goldbach)
— Almine Rech Gallery, Paris (FR)
— Art Unlimited, Art Basel, Basel (CH), w/ Rüdiger Schöttle (DE)
— Le CREDAC, Ivry-sur-Seine (FR), (cur. Claire Lerestif)
— Rüdiger Schöttle Gallery, Munich (DE)
— VCCA - Vincom Center for Contemporary Art - Hanoi (VN), (cur. Mizuki Endo)
— La Grande Place Musée Du Cristal - Fondation Hermès - Saint Louis (FR), (cur. Marie Cozette, Synagogue de Delme)
— Galerie Saint Séverin - Paris (FR) “Maidday”, (cur. Alicia Knock)
— Meessen De Clercq - Brussels (BE) “Mountains are like the bones of the earth. Water is its blood.”
— Joseph Tang Gallery - Paris (FR) “The Blind Excuse” w/ Marieta Chirulescu
— Frieze - Randall’s Island - New York (US), Focus w/ Meessen De Clercq
— Ladera Oeste, Guadalajara (MEX), “Listen, the darkness deepens” (cur. Geovana Ibarra)
— Macleay Museum, Sydney (AU), “From stamping to reading”
— n.b.k. - Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin (DE), “Exchange of presents” (cur. Silke Wittig)
— Les Abattoirs - Médiathèque, Frac Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse (FR), “Writing and other flickers” (cur. Olivier Michelon)
— Meessen De Clercq, Brussels (BE), “We are this, and that, aren’t we?”
— Espace Art et Essai - Rennes 2 University (FR), “Cao Su pleure” (cur. MAE)
— MÉPIC - Musée éclaté de la presqu’île de Caen (FR), “Rejections” (cur. Éric Degoutte)
— Statements - Art Basel, Basel (CH), w/ Meessen De Clercq (BE)
— Centre d’Art Villa du Parc, Anemasse (FR), “The 18th Place” (cur. Garance Chabert)
— Meessen De Clercq, Brussels (BE), “We live in the Flicker”
— Martine Aboucaya Gallery, Paris (FR), “The Humain Stain”
— La Maison Rouge - Le Patio, Paris (FR), “The Pure Number according on Duras” (cur. Marc Lenot)
— Bétonsalon - Centre d’Art et de Recherche, Paris (FR), “Book People” (cur. Mélanie Bouteloup)
— L’Espace - Centre Culturel Français, Hanoi (VN)
— Musée des Beaux-Arts, Mulhouse (FR), “Backlight”
Group shows (a selection)
— La Bourse de Commerce - Fondation Pinault (FR), “Avant l'Orage” (cur. Emma Lavigne and Nicolas-Xavier Ferrand)
— QAGOMA Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane (AUS), “Air” (cur. Sophie Rose)
— CCC-OD, Tours (FR), “Déborder la toile” (cur. Marine Rochard)
— Arter, Istanbul (TUR), “Locus Solus” (cur. Selen Ansen)
— Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh (US), The 58th Carnegie International “Is it morning for you yet?” (cur. Sohrab Mohebbi, Ryan Inouye, Talia Heiman)
— Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery, Pantin (FR), “Saturation” (cur. Oona Doyle)
— Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR), “Réclamer la Terre”, (cur. Emma Lavigne and Daria De Beauvais)
— Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Bonn (DE), “A Century in Color”, (cur. Eva Kraus and Liam Gillick)
— Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA et Capc musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, “Hypernuit”, (cur. Claire Jacquet and Sandra Patron)
— ASIA NOW, Paris (FR), “Making Worlds Exist”, (cur. Kathy Alliou)
— FRAC Normandie, Rouen (FR), “Deux scénarios pour Une collection”, (cur. Véronique Souben)
— MNAM Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR), “Global(e) Resistance”, (cur. Christine Macel, Alicia Knock, Yung Ma)
— Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR), “Extra !”, Festival de littérature vivante (cur. Jean-Max Colard)
— Busan Biennale, Museum of Contemporary Art Busan (MOCA), Busan (KR,) “Words at an Exhibition – an exhibition in ten chapters and five poems”, (cur. Jacob Fabricius)
— CPIF - Centre Photographique d'Île de France, “La photographie à l'épreuve de l'abstraction”
— MAC VAL “Le vent se lève”, nouvelle exposition de la collection (cur. Alexia Fabre)
— FRAC Aquitaine, Bordeaux (FR), “Les échos du territoire” (cur. Marcelline Delbecq and Aurélien Mole)
— Gallery Alexander Levy, Berlin (DE), “Presence in the Absence”
— MUCEM, Marseille (FR), (cur. Emmanuelle Lambert)
— Curitiba International Biennial, Curitaba (BR), (cur. Tereza de Arruda)
— Olivier Malingue gallery, London (GB), “L'Empreinte”
— TMR, Los Angeles (US), “Where the sea remembers”, (cur. César Garcia )
— BIENALSUR, National Museum of Decorative Art, Buenos Aires (AR), “ Ways of Seeing / Artists of the Prix Duchamp”, (cur. Diane Weschler)
— Musée Camille Claudel, Nogent sur Seine (FR), (cur. Agnès Werly)
— Maba - Fondation Rothschild, Nogent sur Marne (FR), “A Day with Marie Vassilieff”, (cur. Mélanie Bouteloup)
— Conservatory of Athens (GR), “ Anatomy of political melancholia” (cur. Katerina Gregos)
— Visual Arts Centre in Megaron, Athens (GR), “The Unwritten Library / After Babel”, (cur. Anna Kafetsi)
— MNAM Centre Pompidou - Paris (FR), “Marcel Duchamp Prize” (cur. Marcella Lista)
— Petit Palais - Paris (FR), Fiac Programmes (cur. Marc-Olivier Wahler)
— The Schwartz Foundation, Art Space Pythahorion, Samos (GR), “ Anatomy of political melancholia” (cur. Katerina Gregos)
— MAMAC - Nice (FR), “Cosmogonies” (cur. Hélène Guenin)
— Carré d'Art - Nîmes (FR), “Un désir d'Archéologie” (cur. Jean-Marc Prevost)
— Anne-Sarah Bénéchou gallery - Paris (FR), “Entre deux infinis”
— Moderna Museet - Stockholm (SWE), “Manipulate the world” (cur. Fredrik Liew, Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby)
— Frac Franche-Comté (FR), “Montag or the possible libraries” (cur. Patrice Joly)
— Lidice Museum - Lidice (CZ), “Remember Lidice” (cur. René Bock)
— Venice Biennale (IT), The Arsenale, The 57th International Exhibition, “VIVA ARTE VIVA” (cur. Christine Macel)
— Centre Pompidou-Metz (FR), “Jardin Infini. De Giverny à l'Amazonie” (cur. by Emma Lavigne/Hélène Meisel)
— Le Parvis - Tarbes (FR), “La timidité des cimes” (cur. Magali Gentet)
— The Meurice Hotel - Paris (FR), “The Meurice Prize exhibition”
— Palazzo Reale - Milan (IT), “A brief history of the future”
— Meessen De Clercq - Brussels (BE), “ANTHROPOCENE” (cur. Olivier Meessen)
— Maba - Fondation rothschild - Nogent-Sur-Marne (FR), “ neige” (cur. Caroline Cournède)
— Les Abattoirs - Toulouse (FR), “Dévider le réel” (cur. Olivier Michelon)
— Block Edition - Berlin (DE), “Remember Lidice” (cur. René Bock)
— Royal Museums of Fine Arts - Brussels (BE), “A brief history of the future”
— The kunsthalle - Mulhouse (FR), “Translation as a negotiation” (cur. Sandrine Wymann)
— J. Poggi Gallery - Paris (FR), “Matérialisme Histérique” (cur. Société Réaliste)
— E. Manet Gallery- Gennevilliers (FR), “Le corps invisible” (cur. Lionel Balouin)
— J. Poggi Gallery - Paris (FR), “Sans titre (Je suis là)” (Thibault Poutrel collection)
— Le Plateau - FRAC Île-de-France - Paris (FR), “Interprète” (cur. Xavier Francesci)
— LiFE, Saint-Nazaire (FR), “Par les temps qui courent” (cur. Sophie Legrandjacques)
— Vehbi Koc Fondation - Istanbul (TUR)
— Nuit Blanche, Paris (FR),
— Tanas Fondation/n.b.k. - Berlin (DE), “The Unanswered Question” (cur.René Bock)
— Le Crédac - Ivry-sur-Seine (FR), “L’Homme de Vitruve” (cur. Claire Le Restif)
— End of Century - New York (US), “Twentieth to twentieth” (cur. Joseph Tang)
— Meessen De Clercq - Bruxelles (BE), “Particles”
— Palais des Beaux-Arts de Paris (FR), “Soudain déjà” (cur. Guillaume Désanges)
— Musée Départemental d’Art Contemporain - Rochechouart (FR), “Au grenier quatre pièces de mémoire” (cur. Olivier Michelon)
— Liste - Basel (CH), (cur. Jean-Paul Felley and Olivier Kaeser)
— Martine Aboucaya Gallery - Paris (FR), “All Over”
— Le Crédac - Ivry-sur-Seine (FR), “Le Carillon de Big Ben” (cur. by Claire Le Restif)
— Martine Aboucaya Gallery - Paris (FR), “Meeting you half way”
— Serge Aboukrat Gallery - Paris (FR), “Phase Zéro”
— Lieu Commun, Le Printemps de Septembre - Toulouse (FR), “Là où je suis n’existe pas” (cur. Christian Bernard)
— Kimusa - Artsonje Center - Seoul (KR), “Memory of void” (cur. Nathalie Viot and Sunjung Kim)
— Le Crédac - Ivry-sur-Seine (FR), “Expérience Insulaires” (cur. Jean-Paul Felley and Olivier Kaeser)
— La Générale - Paris (FR), “Voir en peinture” (cur. Éric Corne)
— Galerie DAP - Warszawa (PL), “Tolerate me”
— Galerie Hengevoss-Durkop - Hamburg (DE), (cur. by Éric Corne)
— Palais des Beaux-Arts de Paris (FR), “Félicité” (cur. Maria de Coral)
— Galerie du Passage de Retz - Paris (FR), “Première Vue” (cur. Michel Nuridsany)
— Galerie Pitch - Paris (FR), “Singles” (cur. Christian Bernard)
Curating and Artistic Direction
— Centre Georges Pompidou - Bpi - Paris (FR), “Duras Song” an exhibition on Marguerite Duras archives activated in an installation by Thu Van Tran, and co-curated with Jean-Max Colard
— La Générale - Paris (FR), “Hradacany”, co-curated with Yann Chateigné
Private and public collections (a selection)
— Collection of Frac Normandie, Rouen (FR) — 2021
— Collection of Frac Rhône-Alpes - IAC Villeurbanne (FR) — 2020
— Louis VUITTON Foundation (FR) — 2019
— Winner of the public commission, Place des Justes, Nancy Metropole and French Ministry of Culture (FR) — 2018
— Collection of Frac Aquitaine, Bordeaux (FR) — 2018
— MNAM, Musée National d'Art Moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou (FR) — 2018
— Foundation Kadist, (FR/US) — 2017
— MAC VAL, (FR) — 2017/2021
— Lidice Memorial, Lidice (CZ) — 2016
— Agnès Rein collection, (FR/BR) — 2015
— Josée and Marc Gensollen collection, Marseille (FR) — 2015
— Collection of Frac Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse (FR) — 2015
— Winner of the public commission, Lycée intertional, Noisy le Grand, Conseil Général of Seine Saint Denis, (FR) — 2015
— The Strauss collection, San Diego (US) — 2013
— Vehbi Koc Fondation, Istanbul (TUR) — 2013
— Sanders collection, Amsterdam (NL) — 2013
— Pierluigi and Natalina Remotti Fondation, Camogli (IT) — 2013
— Thibault Poutrel collection, Paris, (FR) and London (UK) — 2013
— Collection of Frac-Île de France (FR) — 2010
— Collection of Musée Départemental d’Art Contemporain, Rochechouart (FR) — 2010
— Museum of the Louvre Abu-Dhabi, Abu-Dhabi (AE). Commission by the Centre Georges Pompidou for the realization of works for the Children’s museum — 2010
— Collection of the Fonds Municipal d’Art Contemporain de la Ville de Paris (FR) — 2009
— Winner of the public commission, Multimedia library, Poissy (FR) — 2008
— MFA, Master in Fine Arts, delivered with distinctions by ENSB-A (École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts of Paris - FR)
— Exhibition Practice Seminar - ENSB-A (FR) - Directed by Christian Bernard
— Coubertin Foundry, Saint-Rémy Les-Chevreuses (FR) - Compagnons du Devoir
— Glasgow School of Art (UK) - Bachelor degree - Environmental Design Department
— The Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA) residency, Melbourne (AU) Upcoming
— Neue Berliner Kunstverein Residency, Berlin (DE)
— "Hors les Murs" Program, French Institut, New York (US)
— La Fabrik, grant from the city of Burgdorf, Bern (CH)
— Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Seoul (KR)
— Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (FR)
Grants and Prizes
— Mominees for the Marcel Duchamp Prize, ADIAF / MNAM, Paris (FR)
— Production allowance, Fondation Rothschild Grant (FR)
— Short listed Meurice Prize for Contemporary Art, The Meurice Hotel (FR)
— Production allowance, Fondation Rothschild Grant (FR)
— Installation allowance, Drac Ile-de-France (FR)
— Finalist Audi Talents Awards (FR)
— Individual creation allowance, Drac Ile-de-France (FR)
— Support of the Amis de la Maison Rouge - Fondation de Galbert, Paris (FR)
— Exhibition allowance, Direction des Affaires Culturelles de Paris (FR)
— Individual creation allowance, Drac Ile-de-France (FR)
— Installation allowance, Drac Ile-de-France (FR)
— Laureate Mulhouse 05 Prize (FR), Henry-Claude Cousseau selection
— Project allowance, Direction des Affaires Culturelles de la Ville de Paris (FR)
Talks and Teaching
— PCA - Paris College of Art, Paris (FR). Fine Art Dpt, Senior instructor for Bachelor Degree since 2018
— PCA - Paris College of Art, Paris (FR). Fine Art Dpt, Sculpture Junior instructor since 2014
— École des Beaux-Arts de Nantes (FR), Jury of DNSEP (MFA equivalence)
— Mensuel @ MNAM Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR), talk with Christine Macel, Mathilde ferrer, Gisèle Sapiro and the artist Cheikh Ndiaye, regarding the exhibition “Global(e) Resistance”
— Talk with Magali Nachtergael and Pedro Moraïs on the occasion of “Trail Dust” at Almine Rech Paris (FR)
— In conversation with Mark Rappold, Chief Editor of Art Review Asia, Olivier Malingue Gallery, London (UK)
— Talk with Claire Le Restif and Hélène Meisel on the occasion of “24h hours in Hanoï” at Le Crédac (FR), and the special issue of Beaux-Arts Magazine
— Mentor for the Missulsang Prize 2020, Hermes Fondation, Seoul (KR)
— France Culture radio, 20th December 2018, “Par les temps qui courent” with Marie Richeux
— Times Museum, Guangzhou (CHN). Symposium “In the Name of Archive: Re-imagining History as Contemporary Art Practice”
Co-curated by Nikita Yingqian Cai and Mia Yu
— FRAC Franche-Comté, Besançon (FR). w/ Patrice Joly on Art and Literature
— Venice Biennale, Venice (IT). VIVA ARTE VIVA, The Arsenale. Tavola Aperta, a lunch and talk, October 6th
— Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (FR), Café Society, talk with Christine Macel and Jean-Max Colard, September 21st
— Sydney University - Faculty of Arts and Social sciences, Sydney (AU), Lecture on “Marguerite Duras and Visual Arts”, invited by Michelle Royer
— French Institut of Sydney, a transcription of “Duras Song” exhibition shown at Centre Pompidou in 2014
— Ensa, École Nationale Supéreure d’Art de Bourges (FR), Jury DNAP (BFA equivalence)
— Rennes 2 University (FR), “Théories voyageuses”, Colloquium on post-colonial forms and attitudes in Art and Literature (with Julia Waters, Françoise Vergès, Olivier Marboeuf, Zahia Rahmani)
— Rennes 2 University (FR), Master in Curatorial Practices, Artist invited
— BBC Vietnam, 8 min of TV interview on “Duras Song” by Caophong Pham
— RFI radio, October 2014, invited by Catherine Fruchon Toussaint
— La grande table, France Culture radio, 15th October 2014, invited by Thibault Sardier
— Les Carnets de la création, France Culture radio, 13th Oct 2014, invited by Aude Lavigne
— Christian Aubert Even, Paris (FR), “Pas tout à fait noir, le gris”, Talk on Guillaume Millet paintings
— Esam, École Supérieure d’Arts et Médias de Caen (FR), Talk
— Esaaa, École supérieure d’Art de l’agglomération d’Annecy (FR), Talk
— Le Crédac - d’Ivry-sur-Seine (FR), “Regards croisés”, Talk on “Art and Archive”
— La Maison Rouge - Paris (FR), Talk on Marguerite Duras writings
— Radio Printemps de Septembre - Toulouse (FR), a conversation with Jean-Yves Jouannais
— Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Seoul (KR), Talk
— Esbat, École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Tours (FR), Talk and workshop
— Sarajevo School of Fine Art (BK), Talk and workshop with the artist Alma Suljevic
Artist Publication and Contributions
— “Tié menteur” - Editions P, 16x10 cm, 72 pages, further to the research seminar Les Contemporains (Universités Paris 7 et 13), directed by Magali Nachtergael and Céline Flecheux - Upcoming
— “La Part de l’Œil” n°32 - 2018/2019 Dossier : “L’œuvre d'art entre structure et histoire” et “Greimas et la sémiotique de l'image”
— A fictional dialogue with Franz West written by Thu Van Tran, booklet from Gallery Natalie Seroussi, Paris (FR)
— “Marguerite Duras and visual arts” - Peter Lang Editions, in the collection “Marguerite Duras” led by Christophe Meurée. Outcome the colloquium «Marguerite Duras and visual arts» in 2016 at Sydney University, led by Michelle Royer
— “La Rouge”, exhibition catalog - Lendroit Edition, texts by Elvan Zabunyan, Eva Barois De Caevel and Amanda de la Garza, 112 pages, ISBN 978-2-917427-86-6
— “Au plus profond du Noir”, a subjective translation of Joseph Conrad novel Heart of Darkness, 18x11 cm, 248 pages. A second writing produced by La Kunsthalle Muhouse (FR), ISBN 978-2-930528-12-0
— “D’Emboutir à Lire” - Contribution for the magazine Initiales - n°3 MD on Marguerite Duras (directed by Claire Moulène)
— “Nos lumières” 2001-2013 - A monography by Meessen De Clercq Edition, text by Magali Nachtergael, 25,5x20 cm, 208 pages, French-English, ISBN 978-2-930528-10-6
— “Au plus profond du Noir”, a subjective translation of Joseph Conrad novel Heart of Darkness, 18x11 cm, 232 pages, ISBN 978-2-930528-11-3
— “24pages” edition by Manuel Burgener
— “J’aime beaucoup ce que vous faîtes”, contribution for the magazine (invited by Christian Alandete)
— “Là où je suis n’existe pas”, contribution for the group show catalog, Le Printemps de Septembre
— “ICI-ICAR” - Exhibition catalog, edited by the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mulhouse (France)
— “Global(e) Resistance”, MNAM Centre Pompidou edition, texts by Christine Macel, Alicia Knock and Jung Ma
— “In the Chiaroscuro of Language” A special Issue from Beaux-Arts Magazine (Texts by Emmanuelle Lequeux, Caroline Ha Thuc, Magali Nachtergael, Marion Duquerroy, Rahma Khazam, Pedro Morais, and an interview with Claire Le Restif)
— “Art Unlimited” catalog, Art Basel Edition
— “Marcel Duchamp Prize” Catalog of the 2018 edition, ADIAF
— “Manipulate the World: Connecting Öyvind Fahlström” Catalog of the group show curated by Fredrik Liew and Goldin + Senneby at Moderna Museet, Stockholm (SWE)
— “VIVA ARTE VIVA”, exhibition catalog, edited by the Venice Biennale (IT), The 57th International Exhibition, (cur. Christine Macel) (Text by Claudia Buizza)
— “Jardin Infini, De Giverny à l'Amazonie”, exhibition catalog, edited by Centre Pompidou Metz (FR) (Text by Hélène Meisel)
— “A brief history of the future”, exhibition catalog, edited by the Royal Museums of Fine Arts, Brussels (BE)
— “The unanswered question”, exhibition catalog, edited by TANAS / René Block edition (DE) (Text by René Block)
— “L’Homme de Vitruve”, exhibition catalogue, edited by Crédac, (Text by Claire Lerestif)
— “Soudain déjà”, exhibition catalogue, edited by Beaux-Arts de Paris (Text by Hélène Meisel)
— “Le Dessein Collectif”, magazine ROVEN - n°2 autumn, (Text by Daphné Lesergent)
— “Expériences Insulaires”, magazine Semaines - n°61, Edited by Analogues
— Art Forum, March 2020 issue, “Thu Van Tran - Gallery Almine Rech”, by Lillian Davies
— Art Review, February 2020, “Thu Van Tran. My words fly up, my thoughts remain below”, by Marc Rappolt
— Art and Market, January 2020, by Ian Tee
— Connaissance des Arts, January 2020, “Thu Van Tran, métamorphoses toxiques”, by Axelle Corty, Marie Maertens, Valérie de Maulmin
— Le journal des Arts, December 2019, by Jean-François Debailleux
— Numéro, November 2019, by Matthieu Jacquet
— Artforum, Review on “Where the Sea Remembers”, by Annabel Osberg
— Beaux-Arts Magazine Special issue, Thu Van Tran “In the Chiaroscuro of Language”
— THE ART NEWSPAPER (FR), October 2018, interview with Cédric Aurel
— Art Absolument, September 2018 issue, interview with Julie Dao Duy
— Beaux-Arts Magazine, September 2018 issue, interview by Emmanuel Lequeux
— Journal Le Monde , August 19th-20th 2018 , Portrait by Emmanuel Lequeux
— Art Asia Pacific, 5 March 2018, Nominees announced for the 2018 Marcel Duchamp Prize by Sophie Von Wunster
— Le Quotidien de l’Art, 5th February 2018, Marcel Duchamp Prize 2018 by Pedro Morais
— Le Monde news paper, 20th October 2017, “À la FIAC, de l'étrangeté mais peu d'horizons” by Emmanuelle Lequeux
— Beaux-Arts Magazine, October issue, “Nos artistes coup de coeur, Thu Van Tran l'intemporelle” by Emmanuelle Lequeux
— The Art Newspaper, 10 th May 2017, “Reinventing the world': Venice Biennale gives older and lesser-known artists their due” by Jane Morris and Javier Pes
— Le Monde Magazine, March 2017, “Puissante Amazonie” by Roxana Azimi
— LEAP, September issue, Review on 4 pages by Jo-ey Tang
— France 3, JT Régional Alsace-Lorraine, February 13th
— Código, N°85, Mexicain magazine, February-March 2015, “Thu Van Tran” review by Amanda de la Garza
— BBC Vietnam, 12 Feb 2015, interview and report on the artistic direction of “Duras Song” shown at Centre George Pompidou, by Caophong Pham
— Libération, 28th October 2014, “Duras un écrivain pur Song” by Philippe Lançon
— Le Quotidien de l’Art, 22th October 2014, “Du No future au No Past une fusion entre nature et culture à (Off)icielle” by Cédric Aurelle
— France 2, 22th October 2014, reportage Culturebox by Marie-Christine Sentenac
— Beaux-Arts Magazine, October 2014, “En route vers la gloire” by Emmanuelle lequeux
— Zérodeux, N°67, “Derniers usages de la littérature” by Patrice Joly
— Les Inrocks, 10 October, “Outils de résistance” by Claire Moulène
— L’art même, N°55 2nd term, 2012, “Art et littérature” by Magali Nachtergael
— Le journal des Arts, 4-17 November, “Multiplicité d’une époque” by Frédéric Bonnet
— Connaissance des Arts, October, “Jeunes pousses” by Damien Sausset
— Artforum, summer, “Thu Van Tran” by Liliane Davies
—, 28 March, “Entre gui parasite et l’amour victorieux, une courbure dans la trajectoire de la lumière” by Marc Lenot
—, 18 February, “M.Duras, Billancourt, et le nombre pur” by Marc Lenot
—, December, “Meeting you half way”, by Sarah Ihler-Meyer
— Le monde, 29 September, “Printemps de Septembre” by Emmanuelle Lequeux
—, 14 October, “Printemps de Septembre. Dialogue de dessins, vidéos, sculpture et dialectique critique” by Christian Gattinoni
—, 1 October, “Les quatuors de Christian Bernard” by Marc Lenot
—, 22 April, “Fahrenheit 451, Homme livre Homme libre” by Daphné Lesergent“All Over”
—, 21 February, “Fahrenheit 451 à Bétonsalon” by Marc Lenot
— Archistorm, Summer 2008, “La possibilité d’une île” by Juliette Soulez
— Art21, Spring 2007, n°12, “Expériences insulaires” by Garance Chabert
— Mouvement, “La culture de l’alternative” by David Samson
—, 5 April, “Les faux-semblants de l’héritage formaliste” by Daphné Lesergent